Bahamondez, Alvarez & Zegers has advised Private Equity Fund Roccas in its purchase of PC Factory
Bahamondez, Alvarez & Zegers has advised Private Equity Fund Roccas in its purchase of PC Factory. Private Equity Fund Roccas is a fund managed by Juan Sommer, former head of the Private Equity Fund Econsult and by Patricio Baeza, former executive of HSBC and Citigroup.
PC Factory is the biggest retail in Chile of computers and peripherals, with more than 20 branches in the country. PC Factory has been considered one of the most successful companies in the last years.
Bahamondez, Alvarez & Zegers team included partner Matías Zegers and associates Gonzalo Rivera and Cristóbal Smythe. Partner Rodrigo Alvarez provided tax advice.
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